Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Toy Story 3

Good morning bloggers :-D

Yesterday I was feeling kinda bored so I decided I would release my inner child (which felt rather liberating if I'm honest). I just thought to hell with it (which isn't very childlike) and I got off my backside to watch Toy Story 3 in 3d at the cinema!

Now, I don't know about you guys but I watched Toy Story 1 and Toy Story 2 and loved them so obviously I was going to watch Toy Story 3 no matter what age I was. Luckily for me I had three friends with me for moral support in case I got laughed out of the cinema by thousands of children all hyped up on sweets, which would have been very embarrassing if I was on my own. Fortunately that did not happen but I was still glad of the support.

Although they insisted it was a bit too babyish for their likings I could tell my friends all looooved it and as did I. The film was amazing and I would definitely recommend it to all you Disney lovers so get you arses over there before they stop showing it. 

I wouldn't bother about getting it in 3d by the way, there were like, no 3d parts except for in the trailers at the beginning and in this weird Day and Night clip that made absolutely no sense and was completely unnecessary but the Pixar people decided to show us anyway (when you think the film is about to start they show this random cartoon, watch out for it, its so weird).

In my opinion it was better than Toy Story 2 but perhaps not as good as Toy Story 1 ( you can never beat the original, for some reason they're always the best) but it was a lot different to them both. And did I mention it was really good?
So yeah, sorry about this random blog but I thought I'd tell you about the film whilst it was fresh in my mind.
Go watch it.
Love you all.
Emma ...x


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fern // FERNLAURA said...

I loved it too! I nearly cried :L haha xxx

xxyy said...

lovely blog. Guess I need to see Toy story 3 fast!xx