Hello ladies ;-D
So, after checking out a few (ok a lot) of blogs I have noticed that a common trend in the blogging world is Style Icon posts. So that is what this blog is going to be about, my style icon...
Ok this is too hard, I have a lot of style icons, I mean a lot. A lot, a lot. Too many, in fact. There's Pixie Lott, Kim Kardashian, Vanessa Hudgens, Cheryl Cole, Lauren Conrad, flippin nora the list goes on. So for you guys sake I'm just gonna pick at random. And then do the rest on other days. Sounds reasonable. Right? Ok.
So then, random.org has chosen Lauren Conrad, goody goody :-D.
I absolutely love Lauren Conrad's style, whether she's at the gym or on the red carpet I always think she looks fantabulous. And I love her hair. And she's so pretty... Ok, don't worry this is NOT some lesbian crush I just think she's amazing. She's just one of those people that will always look glamorous whatever she's doing and for that I am very jealous.
I'm not sure how I'd describe her style, it's classy whilst young but sophisticated and stylish. And very effortless which I love. Anyway, you can judge for yourselves...
Another reason why I adore Lauren is due to the fact that she left the Hills before it flopped, rather than sticking it out and squeezing as much fame and money from it as she possibly could like some people I could mention (cough*Speidi*cough), she acknowledged that it had run it's course and I admire that. In my head that all makes sense by the way.
Oh and I love her books, I wouldn't say they're of the best literacy ever but they have a good storyline and, despite the saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover, I looooove the book's cover! Very simple but girly.
Anyone else an LC fan?
More blogs soon.
Love you all.
Emma ...x
I LOVE Lauren's Style, she is so pretty :)
I love her style, her hair is always relaxed yet perfect!
cool blog, i like the pictures down the side, I keep meaning to do that with my blog but I can't quite decide on the pictures!
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